
There are four grades of APES membership. Please refer to the following table:

Membership Grade


Designatory Letters

Ordinary Member

Ordinary Members shall be persons:

  1. who have attended at least one of the flagship conference supported by APES within the last 3 years from the date of application; and
  2. who are engineering graduates of a university, polytechnic or in possession of an equivalent qualification recognised by the Council; or
  3. who have had suitable education, training and experience as qualified professionals and at least 15 years of employment in positions of full responsibility in the design and execution of important engineering work and have satisfied the Council that they are worthy of election as Ordinary Members


Fellow Member

Fellow Members shall be persons:

  1. who have attended at least one of the flagship conference supported by APES within the last 3 years from the date of application; and
  2. who have been Ordinary Member of the Society for a period of not less than ten (10) years, or in special instances for such shorter period as the Council may approve, have satisfied the Council that they are worthy of election as Fellow Member.


Student Member

Student Members shall be persons:

  1. who have attended at least one of the flagship conference supported by APES within the last 3 years from the date of application; and
  2. who are undergoing full-time engineering courses in a recognised university or polytechnic. Student Members are not entitled to any voting rights and they shall not hold office in the Council.

Not applicable

Honorary Fellow Member

Honorary Fellow Members shall be persons:

  1. who shall be distinguished and eminent person with considerable experience and extraordinary accomplishment or service to the community in the area of pavement engineering whose membership shall in the opinion of the Council add prestige to or advance the interests of APES. Honorary Fellowship is by invitation and shall only be conferred by the Council.


Apply for Membership

Scan the QR code or click one of the options below: